sábado, febrero 17, 2007

They play from his fucking heart...

In 1999 after the break up of 88 Fingers Louie born a baby with unsuspected essence and awesome power, the doctors called Rise Against. This incredible creature became in one of the most successful hardcore bands of U.S.A. Their cell members have a strong social commitment, they’re PETA members and they’re have a strong left-wing political stance which is seen in songs such as "Blood Red White & Blue", "State of the Union", "Tip the Scales", and "Bricks". Rise Against is one of those American bands like Bad Religion, Rage against the Machine or System of a Down that have a hard speech against an unfair system that contribute to increase the poverty. Like Bill Hicks said, and I’m paraphrasing, (he was spoken about the new kids and other shits like that) … When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children? I want my children to listen to people who fucking rocked. I don't care if they died in puddles of their own vomit. I want someone who plays from his fucking heart.”
The next song it´s call "Prayer for the Refugee". Enjoy.

Asi es como muchas empresas importantes elaboran sus productos (Nike, Adidas, GAP, Phillips, etc...) Explotando a los más desposeídos en regiones más desposeídas.

4 sindicalistas furiosos:

Anónimo dijo...

Tremendo tema punk compare
realmente buena musica la tuya wn
nos vemos wn



Anónimo dijo...

Gran banda actual del harcore punk mundial. Mezcla toda la carga politico-social y cultural, mas un estilo de vida y el poder de la distorsion que nos hacen recordar a bandas clasicas de los 80's como Minor Threat o Dead Kennedy's. Lejos, la mejor banda actual en la escena mundial.

Grande Carlitox


Pepe Grillo dijo...

Actualice mi espacio dedicado a la vanidad: mi fotolog...

Unknown dijo...

gracias por tu visita, feliz de que me linkees!
buena onda, nos vemos pronto!

salud, anarquia y cerveza fria